Lyric and Letter: Where Worship Meets The Word

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Holding Still: Finding God's Peace in Life's Storms

In the constant rush of life, where chaos often lurks around every corner, finding a moment to pause and "hold still" can feel like a distant dream. Yet, it is in these still moments that we often find the deepest peace and clarity. As we celebrate Mother’s Day, I am reminded of the incredible journey that so many of us undertake every day—juggling roles, managing crises, and still finding time to be the heart of our homes. It's a journey that calls for a song like "Peace Be Still" by The Belonging Co., a reminder that amidst the tumult, there is a presence that calms even the most turbulent waters.

Today, I want to share with you not just the melody of this powerful song but the profound biblical roots that support its message. The song echoes the timeless story told in Mark 4:35-41, where Jesus, amidst a fierce storm, offers a simple command: "Peace! Be still!" His disciples, much like us, find themselves caught between fear and awe, as the storm obeys and tranquility prevails.

This narrative isn’t just historical; it's deeply metaphorical for the storms we face today. Whether it's the storm of an unexpected job loss, the chaos of daily family life, or the quiet anxiety about the future, each of us knows the feeling of being in a boat that seems moments from capsizing. And yet, the call remains the same: "Peace, be still."

How, then, do we embody this peace? The answer lies in the practice of faith and the power of prayer as outlined in Philippians 4:6-7. "Do not be anxious about anything," Paul writes, "but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." It’s a directive that invites us not to passive resignation but to active engagement with our faith. It encourages us not to wallow in our worries but to voice them out to God, who promises peace that "surpasses all understanding."

This peace is not merely the absence of conflict or noise; it's a transformative experience that guards our hearts and minds, allowing us to navigate life’s challenges with a steadier heart and a clearer mind. It's the kind of peace that enables us to stand still—even dance—amidst the deep waters, not because the seas are calm, but because our souls are anchored securely in the promises of God.

As we move forward, let's carry this peace into every aspect of our lives. Share it with a friend who is struggling, whisper it in the quiet of a sleepless night, declare it over the hustle of a busy morning. Let the peace of God redefine the way we view and respond to the storms around us.

On this Mother’s Day, as we reflect on the strength and resilience of every mother listening, let's embrace the stillness that comes not from the absence of noise, but from the presence of God. Together, let’s hold still in the truth that no matter what we face, we are never alone.

Lyrics of "Peace Be Still" by The Belonging Co:

I don't want to be afraid

Every time I face the waves

I don't want to be afraid

I don't want to be afraid

I don't want to fear the storm

Just because I hear it roar

I don't want to fear the storm

I don't want to fear the storm

Peace be still

Say the word and I will

Set my feet upon the sea

'Til I'm dancing in the deep

Peace be still

You are here so it is well

Even when my eyes can't see

I will trust the voice that speaks

I'm not gonna be afraid

'Cause these waves are only waves

I'm not gonna be afraid

No, I'm not gonna be afraid

And I'm not gonna fear the storm

You are greater than its roar

Oh, I'm not gonna fear the storm

No, I'm not gonna fear at all

Peace be still

Say the word and I will

Set my feet upon the sea

'Til I'm dancing in the deep

Peace be still

You are here so it is well

Even when my eyes can't see

I will trust the voice that speaks

Peace, peace over me

You speak peace

Let faith rise up

O heart believe

Let faith rise up in me

Let faith rise up

O heart believe

Let faith rise up in me

Let faith rise up

O heart believe

Let faith rise up in me

Let faith rise up

O heart believe

Let faith rise up in me

Peace be still

Say the word and I will

Set my feet upon the sea

'Til I'm dancing in the deep

Peace be still

You are here so it is well

Even when my eyes can't see

I will trust the voice that speaks

Peace, peace over me

I hear You speaking

Peace, peace over me

Peace over me

You speak peace

You speak peace

Over me

You speak peace

You speak peace

You speak peace