The Promise Remains

Reflecting on Easter

A week has passed since the Easter celebrations, and the reflections on resurrection and renewal continue to inspire and challenge us. Our latest podcast episode, "The Promise Remains," dove into the depth of Easter’s message, enriched by the heartfelt lyrics of "You Keep Your Promises" by Charity Gayle.

In this season of reflection, we journeyed through the Scriptures, exploring the steadfast promises of God. With each verse and melody, we were reminded of His enduring faithfulness, a cornerstone of our faith that brings comfort and strength.

Song Inspiration: "You Keep Your Promises" by Charity Gayle

The song's lyrics served as a beacon, guiding us through our exploration:

It is written, You're my refuge and strength...

You keep Your promises, Your goodness never ends...

We're redeemed by Your blood, All the old has passed away, the new has come...

You alone will be a firm foundation...

You are God, and we will not be shaken.

Listen to the song here:

Exploring God's Promises

We reflected on verses like Psalm 46:1 and Nahum 1:7, which remind us of God as our refuge and strength, especially in life's storms. The redemption through Christ's sacrifice, as depicted in Ephesians 1:7 and Isaiah 53:5, and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8 and Galatians 5:22-23) were central themes, illustrating the depth and breadth of God's love and commitment to us.

As we move beyond Easter, the episode challenged us to carry the truths of the season into every aspect of our lives, encouraging us to live out the power of the resurrection day by day.

Living the Promises Every Day

The message of Easter is a call to live in the victory and hope of the resurrection, embodying God's love and faithfulness in our daily interactions. It’s a reminder that the promises of God are not confined to a season but are as relevant today as they were on that first resurrection morning.

Continuing the Journey

As we continue to reflect on the profound implications of Easter, let's carry the light of Christ within us, allowing it to guide our steps and illuminate our path. The promise remains, ever strong and ever sure.

Rebecca Lane


A Journey Through 'Where the Story Ends'


Leaning ON My Beloved